There is always a type of cartoons that kids usually love. It may vary through their looks, voices, or creativeness, but there are types of cartoons that go beyond our expectations. One of these is Happy Three Friends. Since I was a kid, I've already been enamored with bears. Because you know, they're all cute and cuddly. Then there were those rabbits which I thought were all innocent. Right from the start I was wrong. Bears are not that all cute and cuddly, and rabbits were not so innocent at all. In this cartoon show, they're all murderers, cannibals, and sadists. Too much for a cartoon show, right?
This animated cartoon show has been the topic of debates in the social media. Is it good or bad? Some say "good" , and some say "bad". But, what is really the truth? Based on the Article that I read, "
Everyday Sadists Take Pleasure In Others’ Pain", in the website, written by Anna Mikulak as she quoted,
"Some find it hard to reconcile sadism with the concept of 'normal".He showed how sadists dwell on their everyday life trying to cope up with the normal persons around them, on how sadists thinks and reacts on different scenarios of torture
. Indeed, she was right. One of the good examples is myself. I hate sadists, but, I am the type of person who watches Final Destination movies, which is about death and brutality. Later on, I found out that I am a sadist too. Kind of Ironic, but, we are all kind of sadists in our lives. The moment we watch T.V. Shows (Typical Filipino viewers) and the protagonist is being hurt by the antagonist, we tend to smile and wait for more harm given to them. A simple act like that could mean that we like torture too. As far as this show is concerned, it has pretty gruesome animations, but I personally felt dizzy afterwards due to its horrifying presentation.
Based on the second article, Understanding Psychopathic and Sadistic Minds, in the website, written by Maia Szalavitz, as she said, "When viewing the pictures of pain, the sadists showed greater activation in their amygdala — a brain area associated with strong emotion — compared with the other sexual offenders. Moreover, the sadists rated the pain experienced by the victim as more intense than the nonsadists did. And the more intense the sadists thought the pain was, the greater their activation in another brain region called the insula, which is involved with monitoring one’s own feelings and body states." This article tackles about the scientific study on how sadists and psychos react while they see, or do, torture. She explained the scientific reaction of the sadists when feeling pain. Unlike most of the human beings they tend to love, and love torture. The Happy Three Friends is breeding new sadists, criminal minded freaks. This show is really bad for children and teens like us because it may bring emotional outburst among us. It may also be the cause of frustration, stress and psychological imbalance. Intensive viewing may change our concept of living and start killing people around us without any valid reasons, just for the sake of entertainment, or revenge. We don't know the main reason why this cartoon show was allowed, but whatever it is, let the viewers decide whether they felt happy or not after watching this show.
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